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Searching for love to escape ourselves | Hayley Quinn | TEDxUniversityofNevada

Любовь, секс и свидания часто считают «главной целью жизни». Однако, как часто мы в поиске любви избегаем быть наедине с собой? Как часто мы смотрим правде в глаза? Как часто создаём свой путь? И, убегая от себя в поисках любви, не избегаем ли мы, в конечном счёте, то, что вернёт нас к самим себе, что на самом деле сделает нас счастливыми?
Хайли Квинн — ведущий специалист Великобритании в индустрии свиданий. Она помогла 100 000 мужчин и женщин переосмыслить их личную жизнь.
Окончив Университетский колледж Лондона по специальности английский язык и психоанализ, Хайли основала свою собственную компанию, столкнувшись с индустрией знакомств и поработав писателем-невидимкой для героев из бестселлера New York Times «Game».
Будучи сторонницей навыков знакомств в реальной жизни, она использует свой вебсайт и онлайн клубы, чтобы показать людям, что в жизни есть более важные вещи, чем знакомства в Tinder.
Она была ведущим экспертом в многочисленных международных TV шоу и сняла документальную программу «BiCurious Me» из серии «Cutting Edge» на 4-ом канале, которая была основана на её исследованиях в области сексуальной жизни и отношений. Она также писала для «Cosmopolitan», «The Independent», «The Telegraph», а также регулярно ведёт влоги о социальных эксперементах.

Это выступление записано на мероприятии TEDx, независимо организованном местным сообществом с использованием формата конференций TED. Узнайте больше на ted.com/tedx

Master the art of public speaking with TED Masterclass

Take the first step towards mastering the art of public speaking by checking out TED Masterclass, TED’s newest mobile app: bit.ly/TEDMasterclassApp

— At TED, we’re passionate about public speaking. Whether from a stage, over a podcast, in a classroom or at your workplace — learning how to effectively share your best ideas creates opportunities for both you and your audience. TED Masterclass features a beautifully animated 11-lesson course, choice TED Talks that model the concepts covered in each lesson, and a continuous flow of exclusive insights from TED’s speaker coaching team. Learn how to identify, develop and share your best ideas in the form of TED-style Talks.

If you’re on a smartphone, you can download the mobile app and preview every lesson in the course for free. And if you decide to purchase the full course, all proceeds will support the work of TED’s global education initiative, TED-Ed.

The skill of self confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | TEDxRyersonU

Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: bit.ly/1FAg8hB

As the Athletic Director and head coach of the Varsity Soccer team at Ryerson University, Dr. Joseph is often asked what skills he is searching for as a recruiter: is it speed? Strength? Agility? In Dr. Josephs TEDx Talk, he explores self confidence and how it is not just the most important skill in athletics, but in our lives.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

How not to take things personally? | Frederik Imbo | TEDxMechelen

Frederik Imbo studied theatre at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent and has acted in lots of television series. He founded Imboorling and now has over 15 years experience in stimulating and supporting people. With the aim of improving their communication skills Frederik gives presentations, workshops, training courses and personal coaching sessions to anyone prepared to make their two ears available.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver

In a classic research-based TEDx Talk, Dr. Lara Boyd describes how neuroplasticity gives you the power to shape the brain you want. Recorded at TEDxVancouver at Rogers Arena on November 14, 2015.

YouTube Tags: brain science, brain, stroke, neuroplasticity, science, motor learning, identity, TED, TEDxVancouver, TEDxVancouver 2015, Vancouver, TEDx, Rogers Arena, Vancouver speakers, Vancouver conference, ideas worth spreading, great idea,

Our knowledge of the brain is evolving at a breathtaking pace, and Dr. Lara Boyd is positioned at the cutting edge of these discoveries. In 2006, she was recruited by the University of British Columbia to become the Canada Research Chair in Neurobiology and Motor Learning. Since that time she has established the Brain Behaviour Lab, recruited and trained over 40 graduate students, published more than 80 papers and been awarded over $5 million in funding.

Dr. Boyd’s efforts are leading to the development of novel, and more effective, therapeutics for individuals with brain damage, but they are also shedding light on broader applications. By learning new concepts, taking advantage of opportunities, and participating in new activities, you are physically changing who you are, and opening up a world of endless possibility.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

The art of being yourself | Caroline McHugh | TEDxMiltonKeynesWomen

Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: bit.ly/1FAg8hB

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Dont Believe Everything You Think | Lauren Weinstein | TEDxPaloAlto

Lauren Weinstein delivers an inspiring TEDxPaloAlto talk on how to break free from limiting beliefs.

Lauren Weinstein is a lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, teaching one of the most popular classes there—The Essentials of Strategic Communication. In addition to her work at the Business School, she has served as a guest lecturer and skills coach for Stanford Law School, the Stanford undergraduate program and the Stanford d.school.

In addition to her work at Stanford, Lauren is the founder of Resonate Coaching. As the principal at Resonate, Lauren works with clients ranging from TED speakers to start-up founders to high-level executives, helping them achieve more powerful public speaking and interpersonal communication skills.

Prior to her current work, Lauren served as a communication strategist for high level teams at Fortune 500 companies and worked with Santa Clara County in their mediation and communication skills training program.

Lauren received her J.D. from Stanford Law School and her B.A. in psychology from Stanford University. She’s also a certified leadership development coach through the Coaches Training Institute.

For more information about TEDxPaloAlto please visit www.tedxpaloalto.com.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

The three secrets of resilient people | Lucy Hone | TEDxChristchurch

Dr Lucy Hone is a resilience expert who thought she found her calling supporting people to recover following the Christchurch earthquake. She had no idea that her personal journey was about to take her to a far darker place. In this powerful and courageous talk, she shares the three strategies that got her through an unimaginable tragedy⁠—and offers a profound insight on human suffering. Dr Lucy Hone is a director of the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing