How To Transform From Self-Neglect To Self-Respect | LaVe Jackson | TEDxPleasantGrove

Have you ever wondered what happens when a person chooses to take a wrong turn on purpose? La’Ve Jackson knows how self-destructive choices can create a downward spiral of negativity by erasing a lifetime of positive choices. He also knows the power of a single random act of kindness to shift a person from self-neglect to self-respect. He shares lessons learned on his journey away from a warm family environment to isolation and the desolation of homelessness and back again. La’Ve is now a positive and powerful force for change for everyone he meets. LaVes talk takes you on a remarkable journey from self-neglect to self-respect. La’Ve Jackson knows how self-destructive choices can create a downward spiral of negativity by erasing a lifetime of positive choices. He also knows the power of a single random act of kindness to shift a person from self-neglect to self-respect. He shares lessons learned on his journey away from a warm family environment to isolation and the desolation of homelessness and back again. La’Ve is now a positive and powerful force for change for everyone he meets. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

An End to Procrastination | Archana Murthy | TEDxMarcusHighSchool

Humans are all united by a force greater than joy, sorrow, and love… procrastination. Contrary to the humorous picture our popular culture paints, avoidance of work is a serious issue. Surveys suggest that 85-95% of students encounter problems directly related to procrastination. As a teenager, all-too-familiar with this torrid cycle of stress, anxiety, and depression, Archana Murthy presents an insightful cure to one of society’s greatest ills. Through personal reflection, Archana suggests that the cure to procrastination is a springboard for a greater journey that is better navigated with others.

Archana Murthy is a student of Marcus High School but also of life. She learns Indian classical music and dance but loves any and all art. She believes that art, science, and spirituality are often interchangeable. This is her first TEDx talk.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

3 reasons you aren’t doing what you say you will do | Amanda Crowell | TEDxHarrisburg

Amanda explores how to move beyond mindset-driven defensive failure and into productive failure to succeed at the problems you struggle with the most. Amanda Crowell is a cognitive psychologist, university professor at the Hunter College School of Education, speaker and coach. Dr. Crowell works with teachers, therapists, and mission-driven entrepreneurs to clear away mindset blocks and move into action. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

The 100 Percent Rule That Will Change Your Life | Benjamin Hardy | TEDxKlagenfurt

Why most people struggle when it comes to losing weight or getting rid of bad habits? Is there a chance to get unstuck from unnecessary fallbacks and permanently change our bad habits? In this TEDxTalk, Benjamin shares the secret on how making a radical change is not only possible but required to live a life of integrity, meaning, and purpose. Benjamin Hardy has been the #1 most-read writer on since late 2015. His work has been read by over 50 million people and has been featured on Forbes, Fortune, Psychology Today, and many others. He has grown his email list from 0 to nearly 400,000 followers in the past 3.5 years without any paid advertising. He is the author of the internationally bestselling book, Willpower Doesn’t Work. Finally, Benjamin completed his Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology. On the personal side, Ben is married and father of five children. To find out more about Ben, follow him on Instagram, or visit his website This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Two Easily Remembered Questions That Silence Negative Thoughts | Anthony Metivier | TEDxDocklands

NOTE FROM TED: This talk only represents the speakers personal views and understanding of meditation and spirituality. Weve flagged this talk because it falls outside the content guidelines TED gives TEDx organizers. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here:

Anthony Metivier, memory expert and creator of the Magnetic Memory Method used a simple process of «self-inquiry» to help him overcome years of mental distress that imprisoned him in a “manic-depressive” identity, and almost took his life. bring peace of mind and focus, and free ourselves from negative thinking. Using the secular translations of ancient Sanskrit by Dr. Gary Weber, Anthony shares the two most powerful and immediate tools self-transformation. They are easy to remember and anyone can use them to create focus on the present moment and experience instant freedom from negative thinking.

For more ways to combine simple memory exercises with mindfulness, find Anthony on YouTube: Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st Century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, dreams, names, music, poetry and much more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Enter the cult of extreme productivity | Mark Adams | TEDxHSG

In this talk Mark shares a dramatic and powerful system that takes productivity thinking to whole new and terrifying level, allowing a person to achieve almost any goal they set themselves with rapid speed. The secret to this type of exponential success? Bin your ‘affirmations’ and ‘goals’ and instead embrace fear as your friend by making irreversible decisions. Instead of hapless resolutions members of the «Lock-In» cult contract with themselves in a way that they cannot escape from (without suffering brutal consequences). The “Lock-In" system harnesses our most primal evolutionary instinct — to avoid pain — and uses it to radically supercharge our lives. Many of the most successful people in history have used its phenomenal power to create extraordinary success. Think youre hardcore enough? Then enter the Cult of Extreme Productivity Mark Adams is Vice President and Head of Innovation at VICE, which has come from humble beginnings as a print magazine to digitally transform into a 5 billion dollar youth media empire. In this talk, Mark describes the cult of extreme productivity that he became part of alongside his brother. The cult is all about making irreversible decisions that make “manifesting” your dreams the only option because not achieving it would create indescribable suffering. This is the second time Mark has done a TEDx talk. The first time his talk was banned. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth | Adia Gooden | TEDxDePaulUniversity

When a person demands perfection of herself or himself, anything less can feel like failure. Adia Gooden knows this from experience. In addition to her work as a staff psychologist at the University of Chicago, she’s learned in her own life how to break negative thought patterns and live more freely. She shares those lessons in her talk: “Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth.”

Gooden is a licensed clinical psychologist. She earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Stanford University and her doctorate in clinical community psychology from DePaul College of Science and Health in 2013. Gooden is currently a staff psychologist and coordinator for multicultural outreach and support at The University of Chicago’s Student Counseling Service. In this role, she provides individual, group and couple therapy to undergraduate and graduate students. She also conducts outreach workshops for students of color and continuing education training for clinicians on working with black clients. Gooden authors a blog focused on promoting mental health among black women. She speaks and writes about black women, black couples, black youth and mental health. Gooden is a licensed clinical psychologist. She earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Stanford University and her doctorate in clinical community psychology from DePaul College of Science and Health in 2013. Gooden is currently a staff psychologist and coordinator for multicultural outreach and support at The University of Chicago’s Student Counseling Service. In this role, she provides individual, group and couple therapy to undergraduate and graduate students. She also conducts outreach workshops for students of color and continuing education training for clinicians on working with black clients. Gooden authors a blog focused on promoting mental health among black women. She speaks and writes about black women, black couples, black youth and mental health. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

The Art of Stress-Free Productivity: David Allen at TEDxClaremontColleges

Productivity guru and coach David Allen talks about «Stress Free Productivity» at TEDxClaremontColleges.

About TEDx:
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized

Editor — Jacqueline Legazcue
Camera crew — Jacqueline Legazcue, Sam Jones, and Ted Neckar

Isolation is the dream-killer, not your attitude | Barbara Sher | TEDxPrague

According to Barbara Sher we have to change our common understanding of why we so often fail to bring our dreams into reality – blaming bad attitude, negative thinking or lack of effort. Heartfelt, funny and surprising stories told by a lady whos been helping other peoples dreams for many decades.

— Podle Barbary Sher musíme přehodnotit běžný názor, že za neuskutečněné sny může špatný přístup, negativní myšlení nebo nedostatek píle. Překvapující, vtipné a srdečné vyprávění dámy, která již několik desetiletí pomáhá lidem na cestě k realizaci jejich snů.

— Barbaře přezdívají „kmotra životního koučování“. Je autorkou šesti bestsellerů, vede semináře po celém světě, školí v největších firmách a přednáší na univerzitách. Ve svých knihách a lekcích propojuje velké množství praktických zkušeností s osobitým humorem. Pokud jste někdy bojovali s neschopností vybrat si jen jeden cíl a na něj se zaměřit nebo máte pocit, že pro uskutečnění svých snů nemáte dost pevnou vůli, pak Vás Barbara snadno utěší. Stejně jako ty, kteří se bojí, že některé věci už v životě prošvihli.

Barbara má veliký rozhled po světě (žila mimo jiné v Turecku, Francii i Německu) a asi nejhezčí na jejích lekcích je, že se co chvíli neubráníte smíchu nad tím, jak jsou některé věci prosté.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Choices that can Change your Life | Caroline Myss | TEDxFindhornSalon

In Carolines unique style, she talks about 3 key choices people can make to change their life.

Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at