Fashion and Technology: From Frivolity To Sustainability | Rachel Arthur | TEDxCoventGardenWomen

Rachel Arthur challenges our perception of the fashion industry as being superficial and frivolous. Instead, she proves how much impact the industry has in shaping the world and calls for continued innovation for the future sustainability of our planet.

Rachel Arthur is an award-winning business journalist specialising in fashion and technology and contributing to titles including Forbes, Wired, The New York Times, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph and The Business of Fashion. She is also the founder of tech-focused news site and the vision behind the global #FashMash community. An expert in all things digital, she otherwise acts as a strategic brand consultant within the fashion and luxury space, future-proofing businesses by bringing them first-to-market insights and bespoke solutions surrounding the evolving retail, technology and communications landscape. She regularly speaks on such subjects at conferences around the world, including SXSW, CES, Web Summit and the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, and serves as a mentor on various start-up accelerator programmes in London. Rachel was awarded trade/B2B fashion journalist of the year by Fashion Monitor in 2015.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

How 3D printing is enabling the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’ | Dr. Tim Minshall | TEDxOxBridge

3D printing is not just a cool technology for rapid prototyping,

modelling and specialist one-off products. It is a fundamental

building block of the ‘4th industrial revolution’ that has the

potential to transform the way in which production and consumption are

connected. This talk explores how this is happening using examples

from medical prosthetics, aerospace, disaster relief, and education.

Tim Minshall is a Reader in Technology and Innovation Management at Cambridge University Engineering Department and a Fellow of Churchill College. His research, teaching and outreach is focused on open innovation, the adoption of new technologies, the development of engineering skills, and the growth of the Cambridge high tech cluster.

He is a Non-Executive Director of St Johns Innovation Centre, a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of Technology, Enterprise and Competitiveness (ITEC) at Doshisha University, and a member of the IETs Innovation and Emerging Technologies Policy Panel. He is a member of advisory / steering committees for groups including ideaSpace, Cambridge University Entrepreneurs, Cambridge i-Teams, and 100% Open.

He is a recipient of a University of Cambridge Pilkington Prize for Teaching Excellence and aRoyal Academy of Engineering/ExxonMobil Excellence in Teaching Award.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Changing the world through fashion: Eva Kruse at TEDxCopenhagen

On the brink of potentially dangerous climate change and with attention on corporate social responsibility soaring to new heights, the world needs innovators — both people and businesses — who can lead the push toward more sustainable solutions. The fashion industry has the potential to be one such innovator, working proactively to address critical environmental, social, and ethical challenges on a global scale.
Consumers — you and I — can play a pivotal role in transitioning the fashion industry towards more sustainable business models that significantly reduce the social and environmental impacts of the industry.
My talk is about what every one of us can do to improve our personal footprint and the environmental and social impact of the fashion industry.
Eva Kruse is CEO and President of Danish Fashion Institute and Copenhagen Fashion Week. She is also board member of several organizations and companies among them for instance: Nordic Fashion Association, Wonderful Copenhagen and Birger Christensen. Danish Fashion Institute is behind the worlds largest and most important event on sustainability and fashion: The Copenhagen Fashion Summit, the next to be held April 2014. Since she graduated in entrepreneurship and leadership from The KaosPilots, Eva Kruse has worked within the worlds of fashion and media, including positions as editor-in-chief of the fashion magazine Eurowoman and as a TV host with the Danish television. In 2005, Eva Kruse was one of the co-founders of Danish Fashion Institute and Copenhagen Fashion Week.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Что я узнала о себе, когда ослушалась родителей | Aigerim Bulekbayeva | TEDxAstana

Айгерим Булекбаева, самая юная участница конференции TEDxAstana, — ученица Назарбаев Интеллектуальной Школы в Актобе. В Назарбаев Интеллектуальных Школах есть клуб TEDx, Айгерим — одна из его участниц. Она играет на скрипке, а через пару минут мы узнаем, что ее мама очень хотела, чтобы дочь стала скрипачкой. Но сама Айгерим не сразу поняла, чего она хочет. Однако ее размышления привели к большим переменам, сейчас она изучает математику и физику в Назарбаев Интеллектуальной Школе. Айгерим считает, что только самостоятельно принятые решения действительно приносят радость.

Ученица в Назарбаев интеллектуальной школе города Актобе. С 6 лет профессионально играет на скрипке. Является лауреатом республиканских и международных конкурсов, таких как “Астана-мерей” и “Алматы жас”. Увлекается живописью, чтением и познанием человеческих чувств и поступков. В литературе предпочитает классику и психологию.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Never give up | Clint Schumacher | TEDxFlowerMound

A lawyer finds truth in the fight. His words are an inspiration to everyone facing a struggle, large or small. What race do you have to run? See why Clint kept a pair of running shoes as a reminder that no matter what you face if you stay the course, you can overcome anything. TEDx is about ideas worth spreading. TEDx is a program of local events designed to bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Just like a TED event, the TEDx event is focused on bringing in live speakers to spark deep conversations and connections in a smaller group. Attourney This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

TEDxKyiv - Д. Довгополый - Секрет успеха предпринимателя

Денис Довгополый — лидер сообщества технологических предпринимателей в Украине. Он является со-основателем инкубатора GrowthUP и серии событий Startup Crash Test в Киеве, Москве и Санкт-Петербурге, ведет образовательные и консультационные програмы для стартапов, организовывает поездки украинских предпринимателей в Силиконовую долину. Денис имеет более, чем десятилетний опыт работы в области IT и телекоммуникаций. В статусе венчурного партнера он сотрудничает с фондом TA Ventures. Также является управляющим директором консалтинговой компании BayView Innovations, независимым членом правления нескольких украинских стартапов.

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About TEDx, x = independently organized event

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)

Marat Zhylanbayev at TEDxAlmaty

Один из самых известных супермарафонцев мира — является единственным человеком, пробежавшим все величайшие пустыни мира.

В 1990-1995 годах установил восемь мировых рекордов, семь из которых занесены в Книгу Рекорда Гиннеса.

Разработал собственную методику тренировок к марафонам и в 1990-1991 годах пробежал 226 классических марафонов по 42 км 195 м. В 1991 году за 23 дня пробежал 23 классических марафона подряд, в этом же году за 15 дней пробежал 30 классических марафонов (по два марафона в день) с результатом в среднем за марафон — 4 часа 00 минут 54 секунды.

Выступая на международных соревновании за сборную команду СССР, СНГ и Казахстана занимал, только призовые места.Жыланбаев,_Марат_Толегенович

What working with psychopaths taught me about leadership | Nashater Deu Solheim | TEDxStavanger

Are you always authentic? Nashater challenges you that we are not. And we probably shouldnt be. Can your life depend on it? And if you are not authentic, save your life? Watch her compelling takeaway — dont be authentic if you need to save the relationship… Dr Nashater Deu Solheim is CEO of Progressing Minds and Amazon bestselling author of “The Leadership PIN Code”, which debuted on the 2020 Forbes list of 8 books “..that will change the way you handle relationships”. She is an HBR contributor and advisor to businesses and executive coach on leadership influence based on the approach within her book. She is a popular keynote speaker onher experience as a psychologist in forensic and business settings and an accomplished moderator onthe international stage… She has 25 years of practical business experience across diverse sectors for governments, NGOs, corporate, healthcare and more recently in oil and gas. Nashater has held executive leadership positions within strategy, competence

Your personality and your brain | Scott Schwefel | TEDxBrookings

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. We all have a unique personality, but we also show up to others in ways we don’t know. Understanding how our brains become consciously aware of ourselves, and in turn, everyone else teaches how we can connect, adapt and ultimately influence others. It all starts with knowing when we are truly self-aware, and when we aren’t, how to get there quickly and easily.

Scott Schwefel built and sold Minnesota’s largest technology training company. To get there he used personality assessments to help his people understand each other and understand clients and customers. His study of personality led to an awareness of brain science and how our brains enable us to communicate with each other. Scott has taught these principles of brain science and communications techniques throughout North America, Europe and Asia, and to over 1300 CEOs globally.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Oser traverser les frontières: Anjuli Pandit at TEDxParis

Filmé à TEDxParis le 6 octobre 2012 à lOlympia. Plus dinterventions sur
Plébiscitée par le public de TEDxParisSalon, Anjuli Pandit est étudiante en master à Sciences-Po Paris. Américaine dorigine indienne, cette globetrotteuse a vécu dans neuf pays et voyagé dans soixante-dix-sept pays du monde. En Inde, elle a travaillé pour le « Climate project » dAl Gore et pour Tata Consulting Services dans le secteur de lénergie et de lenvironnement. Actuellement en stage à la Maison Blanche au « Council on Environmental Quality », elle espère mener une carrière dans la diplomatie et laction publique après avoir obtenu son diplôme lannée prochaine.

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