Your mind is the source of all your sorrow and joy | Ani Trime Lhamo | TEDxCarnegieLake

All that we are is a result of our thoughts! In this talk, Ani Trime Lhamo shares seemingly obvious, yet surprisingly overlooked, values of the human mind and the powerful influence of our thoughts on us. She explores imagination and meditation as tools to revive ourselves and raise our perception of self-worth.

The Venerable Bhikshuni Karma Trime Lhamo, an American-born Buddhist nun, is the director of the Princeton Buddhist Meditation Group. A practitioner for nearly 40 years, Ani Trime originally studied with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, one of the first Tibetan Buddhist masters to teach in the West, and she is now a student of the Tibetan teacher Anam Thubten. She has also studied and practiced to some extent in the Theravada and Zen traditions. Ani Trime’s down-to-earth, straightforward approach emphasizes meditation practice, kindness, and everyday experience, all presented with humor and warmth.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

3 reasons you aren’t doing what you say you will do | Amanda Crowell | TEDxHarrisburg

Amanda explores how to move beyond mindset-driven defensive failure and into productive failure to succeed at the problems you struggle with the most. Amanda Crowell is a cognitive psychologist, university professor at the Hunter College School of Education, speaker and coach. Dr. Crowell works with teachers, therapists, and mission-driven entrepreneurs to clear away mindset blocks and move into action. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Enter the cult of extreme productivity | Mark Adams | TEDxHSG

In this talk Mark shares a dramatic and powerful system that takes productivity thinking to whole new and terrifying level, allowing a person to achieve almost any goal they set themselves with rapid speed. The secret to this type of exponential success? Bin your ‘affirmations’ and ‘goals’ and instead embrace fear as your friend by making irreversible decisions. Instead of hapless resolutions members of the «Lock-In» cult contract with themselves in a way that they cannot escape from (without suffering brutal consequences). The “Lock-In" system harnesses our most primal evolutionary instinct — to avoid pain — and uses it to radically supercharge our lives. Many of the most successful people in history have used its phenomenal power to create extraordinary success. Think youre hardcore enough? Then enter the Cult of Extreme Productivity Mark Adams is Vice President and Head of Innovation at VICE, which has come from humble beginnings as a print magazine to digitally transform into a 5 billion dollar youth media empire. In this talk, Mark describes the cult of extreme productivity that he became part of alongside his brother. The cult is all about making irreversible decisions that make “manifesting” your dreams the only option because not achieving it would create indescribable suffering. This is the second time Mark has done a TEDx talk. The first time his talk was banned. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Self-Transformation Through Mindfulness | Dr. David Vago | TEDxNashville

How is the Self represented in the brain and how is it sculpted through our everyday moment-to-moment perceptions, emotions, and thoughts? Cognitive Neuroscientist, David Vago demonstrates that a systematic form of mental training involving meditation and mindful awareness has the potential to transform our self and our mental habits in a positive way. Learn more about how every moment is an opportunity to change our brain and strongly influence our health

Умереть, чтобы жить | Александр Янкелевич | TEDxMahilyow

На протяжении последних 7 лет Александр работает как психолог: проводит индивидуальные консультации, групповую терапию, интенсивы и обучающие программы, как вживую, так и онлайн. В сфере его научных и практических интересов проблемы смысла и предназначения, смерть как фактор, влияющий на качество жизни. Психотерапевт This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Игры, в которые играет бизнес | Yuliya Litvinova | TEDxSadovoeRing

Yulia tells how to use games and gamification in business and everyday life to achieve better results having more fun.

Yulia loves games. She manages to create a business using her gaming experience and now she teaches people how to use games and gamification in business and everyday life to achieve better results having more fun.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Go with your gut feeling | Magnus Walker | TEDxUCLA

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Magnus Walker talks about his life journey of following his passion and going with his gut feeling which eventually led him to turning his dreams into his reality.

TEDxUCLA was organized by UCLA Extension Visual Arts

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

The Secret to Getting Anything You Want in Life given by Jennifer Cohen | Jen Cohen | TEDxBuckhead

Jennifer Cohen, notable healthy lifestyle writer, entrepreneur, podcaster, and spokesperson shares her ‘10% Target Mindset’ which encourages people to be BOLD by asking for what they want, versus taking what is given to them. The challenge is to practice asking for what you really want and getting comfortable with “no’s” (roadblocks) along the way. Her talk is filled with fun personal anecdotes and some practical steps for getting anything you want in life. Listen in. This event was curated by Jercori Freeman. Jennifer has not only dominated the fitness industry, but she continues to change the game by helping others level up physically and mentally. Jennifer is a 3x best selling author, Health and Wellness entrepreneur, and leadership columnist for Forbes.
She also co founded the fitness app Hot 5 which was acquired by Weight Watchers in 2015.
Jennifer is a highly regarded Confidence Coach with a specific focus on building healthy habits and behavioral change. In 2019, Jennifer took her passion and turned it into one of the fastest rising, regularly ranked podcasts, Habits And Hustle, that brings together top authorities and thought leaders in their respective fields to discuss the tools needed to succeed in an ever changing world. Jennifer was recently named «100 Most Influential People in Health and Fitness» by Greatist and ranked #16 «Most Impactful Fitness Entrepreneurs» by Web MD. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Хищник Нежность. Встречи с китами/ Predator Tenderness | ALEXANDER and NICOLE GRATOVSKY | TEDxRANEPA

Антропологи, создатели Посольства Дельфинов, руководители многих международных исследовательских экспедиций, в том числе кругосветного проекта «Тридцатая параллель — Археология возможностей», организаторы Всемирного Фестиваля Дельфинства, авторы книг «Генератор возможностей», «Принцип Дельфина», «План А» и др., фильмов «Мой Пилот, Кит», «Интратеррестр. Контакт, которого нет».

ТЕМА: «Хищник Нежность. Встречи с китами»
Мы расскажем о нашем опыте непосредственного общения с китами, прежде всего — с кашалотами, которые являются самыми крупными хищниками на планете. Одновременно — это едва ли не самые загадочные существа с удивительными способностями, о которых до сих пор крайне мало известно. Они обладатели самого большого и высокоорганизованного в природе мозга (20 кг) и самого гигантского сердца (кубический метр в объеме). Несколько лет экспедиций к семейству кашалотов целиком меняют масштаб нашего восприятия вселенной и разумной жизни. Мы покажем уникальные фото- и видеоматериалы, до сих пор не публиковавшиеся.

TALK: Predator Tenderness. Meetings with whales.
We will tell about our experience of direct communication with whales, first of all, with sperm whales, which are the largest predators on the planet. At the same time its almost the most mysterious creatures with amazing abilities, about which it is still extremely little known. They possess the largest and the most highly organized brain (20 kg) and the most gigantic heart (cubic meter in volume). Several years of expeditions to the family of sperm whales have completely changed the scale of our perception of the universe and intelligent life. We will show unique photo and video materials, which have not been published yet.
Anthropologists, founders of the Dolphin Embassy, leaders of lots of international expeditions, including round-the-world project «The 30th Parallel Project – The Archaeology of Possibilities», organizers of The Dolphinity World Festival, authors «Generator of Possibilities», «Dolphin Principle», «Plan A» and film directors of «My Pilot, the Whale» and «Intraterrestrial. A Fleeting Contact». This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening: Phil Borges at TEDxUMKC

Phil Borges, filmmaker and photographer, has been documenting indigenous and tribal cultures for over 25 years. His work is exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide and his documentary film CRAZYWISE explores what can be learned from individuals who have turned their psychological crisis into a positive transformative experience.

— TEDxUMKC Facebook Page
Twitter @TEDxUMKC

— In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)